Find out why nuts are helpful for your health:
Although many people who are trying to take care of their weight are avoiding nuts because of the large amount of fat they contain but, they can provide a decent amount of protein as well as satisfy the desire for sweets. Also, the fat in most nuts and seeds are mostly "good" fats, which means that these foods is an excellent source of mono an poli saturated fats that help the immune system and joint function. In addition, nuts contain fiber and can help you to follow low-carb.
Here are some tips that you should look for when buying these tasty little treats:
* Avoid nuts and seeds which are fried, glazed or saline because it increases the amount of calories, sugar, fat and carbohydrates they contain. This is particularly true of everything that is covered with something sweet like chocolate, carob, sugar or honey. Also, the nuts in combination with fruit have more calories.
* The meals add just a pinch or a teaspoon of spicy nuts or seeds.
* A handful of most nuts is one ounce or 28 grams.
* Healthiest choices are still raw or dry roasted nuts or seeds.
* If you buy the nuts in large quantities, some of which will immediately put to use in a jar and freeze the rest.
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