Black tea

Reduce cortisol levels with a few cups of tea after your abs workout.

By now you should learn how to cortisol can adversely affect your figure. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone receptors for the control of muscle cell competes with testosterone. It is so insidious that is even blocking its production in Leydigovim testicular cells. Cortisol can also cause increased breakdown of muscle protein to amino acids that are then converted into glucose and used as a source of fuel or energy.

Fortunately, there are supplements on the market that we can prevent. These include nucleotides, fosfatdilserin and, according to latest research, the branched chain amino acids. However, although these are very good products and I must admit, very effective, very little bodybuilder knows that the simplest solution to combat cortisol lies in an ancient beverage, tea.


Researchers at the University of London conducted a study on 75 healthy men who were supposed to drink four cups of black "tea" (days beverage is an active component of black tea, but he was masquerading as the better taste and smell) or a placebo drink (cofeine drink that had taste like the first mix, just did not contain the active ingredient in tea) per day over six weeks. Both groups were subjected to a demanding and stressful tasks during which the researchers measured their cortisol levels, blood pressure, platelets and the effects of stress.


Performed tasks significantly increased blood pressure, heart rate and subjective stress levels in both groups. Fifty minutes after performing the task, cortisol levels in men who consumed tea fell by 47% as opposed to the placebo group, where cortisol is decreased only by 27%. On this basis, the researchers found that regular tea consumption affects the efficiency of recovery after exposure to sources of stress. It follows very important implications for bodybuilders that lifting weights and increased training means a major source of stress, which raises cortisol levels. Researchers are not entirely sure exactly which components of tea suppresses cortisol, but speculate that a major for it to be polyphenols, although not exclusive, and other components. Although the researchers in their study using black tea, there is nothing wrong in the assumption that other tea variants provide similar effects and benefits, especially when it comes to reducing cortisol.


If you are a bodybuilder who drinks about four cups of tea a day, then you can expect a decrease in cortisol after training. This means that you reduce the negative impacts on levels of testosterone and bring your body into an anabolic state, allowing for greater muscle growth.

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